Cover photo: Drama_4_yomama
MEET THE RIDER: Drama_4_yomama
“Hey Everyone, My name is Alessandro “Drama” Papa. I live in Woodbridge Ontario, Canada.”
What attracted you to the performance bagger scene?
“My dad and I always rode together. From the time I could walk, I was thrown on the back of his bike, on a dirt-bike or something that had a motor. When My dad was battling cancer, I showed him a picture of @sotto22’s pro-charged RoadGlide. I said “Dad you should do this to your bike when you get out of here.
” He responded with “ I don’t think ill be around to see it, but you do it and make sure you never sell it, I’ll haunt you.”
After that, I started diving into the Performance Bagger scene; started following Ryan Kruesi and Unknown industries, getting ideas from different builders and finally got to work on Photoshopping what I wanted to do to my Dads bike. I wanted it to be tastefully done to honor his memory, while throwing a little bit of my flare into it.”
“Theres an ass for every seat”
What does the performance scene mean to you?
“I think the performance scene is a very specific niche group. You have the old timers who think a bagger should be an RV on two wheels, then you have other guys that put a 26 inch wheel and rake the fuck out of their bike, and that’s cool and all, but, there’s just something about being able to clutch up an 800 pound bike on one wheel, or smoke liter-bikes off a dig and look fuckin bad ass doing it.
“Theres an ass for every seat” Your bike has to be a representation of you, it needs to have your flare and style.
Anyone can go to an HD Dealership, ride their bike home, and polish it in their garage while their friends watch. A real bike enthusiast will take it home and do something that works for them and enjoy it.”

Photo: Drama's dads original Road Glide Special
Tell us more about your bike and any specifications.
“My bike started its life as my Dad’s 2016 Road Glide Special. It was an old man cruiser. Had the beer box, the lowers mounted on the crash bar, and some mini apes. And the thing I hated about it the most was the color. The paint name is Cosmic Blue Pearl. When my dad sent me a picture of it, I started making fun of him, asking why he would buy a sparkly blue Harley and all that kind of stuff. His response was
“You’re not riding it so I don’t know why you’re talking.”
Of Course, everything was very playful and light, I was happy that my dad got the bike he always wanted. When we saw @sotto22’s Road Glide, I showed my dad the picture and said “Dude you should do this!” when he told me to do it, I started photoshopping my dad’s bike, and tried to visualize what it was going to look like before I committed to the build.
The thing I am most proud of on the bike is that I kept its original paint color in honor of my dad.
I am also proud that you don’t see a lot of Cosmic Blue Pearl PBs. I have Ohlins +2s on the front and rear, Kraus Moto risers and Fly Moto Bars. You gotta have the Saddlemen seat, Trask air cleaner, S&S 580 cams, Baja Headlights, Original Garage Moto shorty front carbon fender, and FXR Division rear dyna fender for Baggers. In my opinion I think it gives the bagger the Performance look it needs, But again, that’s all preference.”
What was the inspiration for building your bike?
“People who really got me into the scene are:
@ryan_kruesi & @kruesioriginals
@bigbearchoppers “
“I want to delete the kush drive and have the bike pull up easier.”
Top 3 products from your bike that you would recommend to others?
“3 products I would highly recommend would be the
Ohlins Suspension, Baja Headlights and the risers with moto bars.
You need the suspension to either stunt or shred the corners. The bajas are needed to A ) Be seen and B) Light up the road at night to see everything else.
Risers and moto bars are just to have the motocross feel
(again preference)."
Photo: Drama
Top 3 products you regret?
“I don’t think I regret any of the parts I put on, I would definitely like to change the exhaust to an HPI exhaust, but I love my Bassani as well!”
Are there any parts still on your wish list?
“I would love to get the Kruesi Originals Sky net wheels with their chain kit. I want to delete the kush drive and have the bike pull up easier. I’d also like to do a big bore kit on the motor to really get those High HP numbers!”
What is the most beautiful route or area you have ridden?
“I like riding the twisties on a road near me. Its got a great little chicane that you can get up to 70 MPH before you hit the residential subdivision.
I’ve also ridden in Vegas and Florida with my dad, and I think those rides really meant a lot to me because it was one of my last times riding with my dad.“
"My favorite memory with my bike has to be the time that I met up with all my riding buddies and we went for a decent ride"
Favorite riding gear for your trips
“Honestly, I love taking my insta360 or my Sony A7RIV because I can capture the memory at any moment. For the most part, I just jump on my bike and go.”
What music do you take with you on the road?
“I listen to everything from old school classic rock ( ACDC, zeppelin, Sabbath) , some new metal ( Lorna Shore, Knocked Loose, and Slaughter to Prevail ) to some Rap ( The Mexican OT, SKT, BigXthaPlug )”
Photo: Christopher James - @itschristopherjames
Have you participated in any events or meet-ups? If so, which ones?
"I once participated in the Big-Twin and won the prize for the best bagger"
What is your most memorable moment on your bike?
“I’ve been part of a couple of Dealer show and shines, but the bike has only been finished for this 2024 season, so I am very excited for the next season to start riding and getting out there to a lot more events.”
“Unless you’re wheeling, then make sure you let that bitch hang “
How has the performance bagger scene affected your life?
“I get noticed for my bike everywhere I go. I get stopped by older bikers and get asked tons of questions about why I did what I did to the bike, how I like riding a lifted RoadGlide, do I ever get stopped for the lights, haha, but seriously I get stopped at least twice a ride just to get asked questions.
I get to meet some really cool people and am able to share stories and expertise on what others should do to their bikes absed off of what I did to mine.”
Do you have any tips for people just starting to modify their bikes?
“Do your research, make sure it is something you want to do. And it is okay to change products out if you don’t find what you are looking for.
Make sure you understand that this hobby isn’t a cheap one and don’t be discouraged about breaking stuff.
Its all part of the process of riding and building. Make sure to ask lots of questions to people who have done it or are doing it. There is no such thing as a stupid question.“
What would you like to give to the community or to us?
“Thank you STEETH9 for your continuous support, and for always showing love to My bike and me, thank you for including me in this interview, and as always, keep the wet side up, and rubber side down…unless you’re wheeling, then make sure you let that bitch hang”