Coverphoto: Soeff
MEET THE RIDER: Harley_Soeff.93
Introduce yourself and where are you from?
“I am Soeff, also known as Harley_Soeff, living in the Netherlands with a Moroccan background.”
What attracted you to the performance bagger scene?
“The power and the unique sound of a Harley Davidson – that’s what drew me in. I’ve ridden different motorcycles, but I’ve always thought that if I ever get a chopper, it has to be a Harley! To this day, I have no regrets. As I often say, quote: "Enjoy life, and ride Harley Davidson!"
Thanks to the service at Harley Davidson Motor Saloon Amersfoort, this dream has become a reality. Honestly, it really matters where you buy your bike. After all, it’s a big investment, so good service and craftsmanship are incredibly important, and they definitely delivered! “
“I’ve never really had an inspiration because I want to create something that no one else has. Unique!”
What does the performance scene mean to you?
“My interest in the performance scene started when I first participated in the Street Twin Battle. The Street Twin Battle is a drag race organized several times a year by none other than Gertjan Laseur. The competitive aspect of it appeals to me a lot, as I am highly competitive myself.
If you own a V-twin, I highly recommend participating – it’s an amazing experience, especially if you love racing. After two wins, I was immediately motivated and convinced: I have to start modifying and improving my bike to get even better. I’m already excited to join the next race!“
Tell us more about your bike and any specifications.
“I ride a 2024 Harley Davidson Lowrider ST. This winter, I plan to upgrade my bike. I’ll share the process on my Instagram, along with more details about the specifications and the choices I make along the way. “
photo: Souff's lowrider ST
What was the inspiration for building your bike?
“I’ve never really had an inspiration because I want to create something that no one else has. Unique! That’s central to me. The unique character of every motorcycle makes it special, and I think that’s important. “
Top 3 products from your bike that you would recommend to others?
“If you’re getting a new Harley Davidson, I recommend replacing the exhaust and cam to fully experience the sound and power. Lastly, in my opinion, choosing the right windshield is also crucial. “
“I’ve ridden about 3,000 km with a backpack, and trust me, it’s not a pleasant experience.”
Top 3 products you regret?
Are there any parts still on your wish list?
“There are still so many things on my wishlist, too many to mention. But it will all become clear soon enough.“
What is the most beautiful route or area you have ridden?
“For me, Switzerland remains the most beautiful place with the most stunning roads I’ve ridden on so far. I love nature and am a real nature enthusiast, which is why Switzerland’s natural landscapes left a lasting impression on me. And that’s not even mentioning the mountain roads – if you love those, you’re absolutely in the right place there. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to keep exploring new places. There are still many destinations on my list that I want to visit on my bike, and that will definitely happen in the future, Insha’Allah.“
photo: taken by BroeiaBaggers
Favorite riding gear for your trips
“My favorite gear is, without a doubt, the saddlebags. Without them, long trips are simply impossible. I strongly advise against taking a long trip with a backpack. I learned that lesson the hard way. I’ve ridden about 3,000 km with a backpack, and trust me, it’s not a pleasant experience. “
What music do you take with you on the road?
“I don’t really have a playlist, nor do I feel like I need one. For me, enjoying the ride itself is enough, especially when riding through natural areas, whether in the Netherlands or abroad “
“The scene has really influenced my social life”
Have you participated in any events or meet-ups? If so, which ones?
“With the community “Chopperlife” that I started with my brother, we’ve had about ten meet-ups this year. We’ll definitely continue this in 2025, and the first trip is already on the agenda: a trip to London on April 19th and 20th.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of the type or brand of motorcycle, age, or background. Our community is open to every chopper rider who shares the passion for motorcycling.“
What is your most memorable moment on your bike?
“The very first time I rode the Harley-Davidson Fat Bob is a moment I’ll never forget. It still feels like yesterday. During the test ride, I was immediately sold and knew for sure: this is the one I want. I instantly told them to order a new one; I was in love at first sight.
photo: Soeff
However, I didn’t get to enjoy it for long. After 3,500 km, I decided to trade it in for a bigger model because my plans changed. While the Fat Bob is more of a sports model for me, I wanted to switch to a sport-tourer.
At Harley-Davidson Motor Saloon, I then ordered a Harley-Davidson Low Rider ST. It was delivered just in time for my trip to Punta, southern France. That 1,400 km journey was unforgettable – but that’s a story for another time! “
photo: Soeff
How has the performance bagger scene affected your life?
“It has definitely changed me, haha! The scene has really influenced my social life. It’s always nice to chat with other riders and exchange ideas and experiences. Everyone has tips and tricks to share, and if it’s up to me, I could talk about it for hours! “
Do you have any tips for people just starting to modify their bikes?
“My advice to people just starting out with customizing their bikes is to first figure out what you really want! Take your time to discover what suits you and your riding style. This prevents wasting time and money and saves you a lot of frustration.“
What would you like to give to the community or to us?
“What I definitely want to say is that you at STEETH9 are doing an amazing job! Keep it up because it really contributes to the community. The high-quality clothing line you’re setting up, the Instagram page with awesome bikes, and the blogs that truly showcase the people behind the motorcycles."
What I also want to share is my passion and enthusiasm for motorcycling. Through the Chopper Life community, I aim to pass on that energy by bringing together people who share the same love for choppers. The passion for the chopper and riding them is central to this, and everyone who shares that passion is welcome in our community. You can find us on Instagram: